Sunday, February 06, 2005

Keeping a Food diary

Method 2: Food Diary

Eczema may be triggered by an allergic reaction to particular food. Keeping a food diary may help you to spot links between eczema and your diet. If you can establish a link between certain food or food ingredients and the eczema, you have done a major step towards solving the skin problem.

Keep a good record of the additives (stabilizers, preservatives, etc.) in processed food. There is a possibility that you are allergic to such substances and not to the food itself. Try to indicate on a scale from 1 – 10 how the condition of the eczema is and add any comments if needed.
Fresh Food
Cooked Food
Processed Food
Eczema Condition


It is possible that the eczema clears within one week after you have stopped eating the food responsible for the skin reaction. However certain food, including dairy products, may take up to three weeks or even more before any improvement can be seen.