Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Controlling Palm Itching

Two factors to consider when treating hand eczema are “elimination of the cause and suppression of the dermatitis”. Systematic protection for the hands is necessary and every patient should be given the hand protection instruction sheet on the reverse side.
Topical steroids are often prescribed and may help suppress or clear the dermatitis. To mitigate overuse of these products, recommend a mild cream or petrolatum for in between lubrication.
Dermatologists recommend patients to use a fragrance-free cream liberally in addition to avoiding identified allergens. “Occlusion of the hands is best accomplished by wearing thin, pliable, properly fitting (non-rubber) gloves overnight.” Cleansing of the hands should be minimized.
Instruct patients to wear non-rubber gloves when necessary to protect against irritants and cleanse with a waterless cleanser to avoid water contact. Allerderm® Vinyl Gloves, for example, do not contain the following: carbamate, mercaptobenzothiazole or thiuram.
Since triggers for hand eczema flare-ups include exposure to harsh soaps, creams, cleaning products and stress, advise patients to continue their hand protection regimen and make it their lifestyle. Also stress, “in treating hand dermatitis, therapy does not simply follow diagnosis; there should be continuing interaction, for diagnosis is influenced by the response of the treatment.”