Friday, February 24, 2006

Winter Causes Eczema Flares

With cold dry weather of winter approaching, you should be aware that it can make your eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) flare up by drying out your skin and causing it to crack, and become chapped. Although eczema is a chronic condition, remission is possible and control is definitely available. Here are some tips to help you "weather" the winter months:
Avoid things that can worsen your eczema, such as wool, irritating clothing, harsh soaps and cleansers
Use a mild soap that is especially designed for sensitive skin. Avoid using cleansers that dry your skin.
Also avoid spot creams and alpha hydroxyl acids.
Moisturize daily, or more often.
Start active treatment with either topical cortisones or the new non-steroidal creams or ointments prescribed by your doctor.
Relax and avoid excessive outdoor activity.
If you are sure that external factors such as allergens are a factor, you should consider seeing an allergist for allergy testing or a dermatologist for skin allergy testing called patch testing.
Speak to co-workers about your condition in order to help them better understand this skin disorder.